The Land of Nodd | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
in honor of Lyleth, known as Morgana; Goddess of Magick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Welcome to the Land of Nodd. This page is dedicated to teaching about Witchcraft, Paganism, and preserving the Old Ways. As a witch and priestess of the Goddess, I feel that it is my honor and duty to inform others, and to offer the chance to create a Pagan network. So, in the name of the Seven Sisters, I offer my skills and knowledge. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the Land of Nodd????? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| The Land of Nodd is the dream World, according to some. Some say it exists on the Ethereal Plain, and other s say it is on the Astral Plain. I believe, however,that exists on all plains. It is the home of the Goddess of Magick. Therefore, it is the heart of Magick. It is pure energy and exists all around us. Some have been there and others have not, but anyone who practices magick feels it's presence. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Who are the Seven Sisters? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Seven Sisters are the daughters of the Great Mother and the Horned God. | 1)Shylinda, goddess of time, is the first born. She appears in Arthurian Legend as the Lady of the Lake. 2)Morgana, goddess of Magick, is second born. She is the sorce of all magick, and Queen of Nodd. 3)Rhylinda, is the goddess of rebirth and life. She is the protector and creator of the Phoenix and Dragon. 4)Fridgia, goddess of the four winds, bringer of winter, and Queen of the frozen North. 5)Asura, is the goddess of the Oceans, the storm, and Queen of Atlantis. 6)Bethlalelamuth, is the protector of the Fair Folk, goddess of love, trickery, and Queen of the Emerald Isle. 7)Mab, is the goddess of death, revenge, and the moon. She is the Queen of the Night.
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